Create the foundation for the dynamic and automated data center with ESX
Server - the market leading hypervisor, production-proven at thousands of
customers of all sizes. ESX Server abstracts server processor, memory,
storage and networking resources into multiple virtual machines, forming
the robust foundation of the VMware Infrastructure 3 suite. 相關商品:
VMware Consolidated Backup for ESX Server v1.0.3 英文正式版(VMware Infrastructure 3套裝中的一個選件軟體)
VMware vSphere ESX 4.1 update1 + vCenter Server 4.1 英文整合合輯版(DVD版)
VMware vCenter Server Appliance v5.0.0.3324-472350 英文正式版(DVD版)
VMware Infrastructure 3.5 英文正式版(數據中心管理和優化套件)
VMware Server 2.0.RC2 英文正式版(虛擬軟體)
Raxco PerfectDisk 2008 Build 44 for VMware Server 英文伺服器版(安全和強大的磁碟整理工具軟體)
Paragon Drive Backup v9.0 Server Recovery CD 英文伺服器版(備份軟體)